5 Reasons To Celebrate #WomanCrushWednesday
Here at Gals That Brunch, we take celebrating women very seriously. It’s literally one of the reasons we exist and do what we do. And it’s for that reason that we take every opportunity to celebrate and empower women. Even if it just stems from a social media #hashtag and ‘holiday’. You don’t need to always have major reasons to celebrate something or someone in your life, which is why the team at Gals That Brunch loves to celebrate every day and every way that we can.
So what is a Woman Crush?
According to the extremely reliable Urban Dictionary, a woman crush is “when a straight female has an attraction for another, in admiration or idolization; not necessarily sexual. Originated from hash tags on instagram for Woman crush Wednesday”. It’s also an opportunity for a guy to subtly hint to a woman that he has a thing for her, but let’s just focus on the female to female admiration and idolization. Calling someone your woman crush means that you admire them and you want them to know about it. There’s so many reasons why you might admire someone - their personality, their accomplishments, their drive, their successes & failures, their wardrobe, their outlook on life, their propensity to take risks, their fitness commitment - the list could literally go on and on. Whatever it might be that you admire or idolize about someone else, is a reason for them to be a woman crush.
For us, we admire each and every single one of our featured ladies for #WomanCrushWednesday for a number of reasons, a few of them being…
Their commitment to Gals That Brunch & being a part of this community.
Their support of our mission to empower women.
Their openness and ability to put themselves out there.
Their willingness to share themselves with our community & the world.
Their passion & commitment to the ventures in their lives & bettering themselves.
What we want to highlight are their hobbies & passions, the work that they do as employees or entrepreneurs, what they love about Gals That Brunch, and their perspective or approach to everyday life. Our community is bursting with strong, talented, & passionate women and we want to share them with the world. With that in mind, here’s 5 reasons why we (and you can) celebrate #WomanCrushWednesday!
The World Needs More Celebrations!
Regardless of what’s going on in the world, and even before the shit show (pardon my French, but it’s necessary) that is year 2020, the world needs more celebrations. What we mean by that is that we all need more reasons to celebrate every day. And especially now, we need to let each other know that they are supported and celebrated!
The Gift of Reciprocity!
The phrase “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” is how reciprocity works. If you know a woman who is doing amazing things in her life, and giving you the motivation or inspiration to do amazing things in yours, tell her about it! Share it, comment on it, scream it from the GD rooftops! As women especially, we need to have each other’s backs and call it out when someone in our lives has had an impact. Even if it’s not someone that you know very well, but an influencer you love, a writer, a fitness coach, or someone in your field that you admire - let them know! Who knows, maybe they’ll give you a shoutout in the future and it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship or working relationship.
Because It Feels Damn Good!
Think about the last time to gave someone a compliment - whether it was on their outfit, their smile, their personality, whatever. How did you feel after you did that? I would imagine you felt pretty good. And I would wager that the person you complimented felt even better. Think about the last time you received a compliment? How did it make you feel? See, I told you. It feels GOOD to give praise, almost as much (if not more) as it does to receive it.
Women Deserve to Feel Good!
Listen, as women, we don’t always cut ourselves enough slack. We know that your to-do list is likely a mile long, and even when you make big moves, you probably feel like you could be doing more. WE FEEL YOU SO MUCH. We have a lot that we take on - between relationships, careers, families, friends - and everything else that people don’t even know about and, men especially, likely don’t even think about. Which is why we deserve to be celebrated at every.freaking.opportunity.
We deserve to feel good.
We deserve to be recognized.
We deserve to feel loved.
We deserve to be empowered.
We deserve it all and more.
It’s Fun!
And hey, when it comes down to it, #WomanCrushWednesday might have started from a silly #hashtag on Instagram, but it’s fun. For all of the reasons we’ve shared and more, telling a woman in your life that you admire them feels good, likely makes their day, can strengthen your relationship with them, and it’s just plain FUN!
We want to know who your #WomanCrush is today!
Creative Marketer | Passionate Storyteller | Brunch Enthusiast
Leena Asuma is the CMO and blogger extraordinaire here at Gals That Brunch, which is perfect because digital marketing, creating beautiful things in Photoshop or Canva, and telling stories are a few of her favorite things. When she’s not brunching, you can find Leena shopping, reading, or making her boyfriend take pictures of her outfits for her fashion blog. If you want to learn more, check out her website or show her some love on her (one of many) Instagram profile.